Saturday, March 29, 2008

Davis' First T-ball game!


I must admit after a month of practices full of playing in the dirt, running the bases backwards, and spinning around in circles in the outfield...I really thought we didn't have a chance!

But boy was I wrong! The Red Sox team pulled it together and played an AWESOME game! I really was impressed! If score had been kept, I am pretty sure our team would have won! Davis is #15 and is the BEST looking Red Sox player. He played with all his heart and did great! Go Red Sox!

We played against The Pirates (one of the rival players, Carson, is in Davis' class at school!)

What a hoot! You MUST come watch! Until's a video! ENJOY!

Davis Turns 4!

Davis had an AWESOME birthday party at Pump It Up! We had so much fun. Then we had a little party at his school too. We took cupcakes and goldfish and make a craft of jellyfish! I think the kids had fun! May God bless all of his teachers and any pre-school teachers out there! I don't know how you do it!

I tell you though, Davis turning 4 has been more depressing than my upcoming 30th bday! It really is hitting me harder than I thought! My little boy is growing up!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring Break 2008 at Covenant Classical School

It's Spring Break week! So at school they had "dress up week".

Monday was Career Day!

Tuesday was Hawaii Day!

Wedneday was Team Spirit Day!

Thursday was Pajama Day!

Friday- NO SCHOOL for Good Friday!!!

I think I had more fun than he did. I love dressing up! We had fun.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Well..I have found something better than Cable TV! 4 year old T-ball! It is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. It's been great therapy. I swear, anyone having a bad day? Just show up to practice. You will go home sore from laughing so hard!

It's been fun so far. We have only had 2 practices. 2 have been rained out and 1 snowed out (only in Alabama!) The official games start at the end of the month. I hope we can figure out how to run the bases by then! HA!

Playhouse Disney LIVE!

We went to see Playhouse Disney LIVE this past weekend! It was Davis' birthday present! In hindsite, i should have bought him a pound of gold!
I mean after paying $12 for cotton candy and $10 for 2 ozs of red slushy...i mean GEEZ!
Of course we saw all of the normal culprits: Mickey, Handy Manny, Tigger and Pooh and The Little Einsteins! It really was fun...but next time I will bring my own snacks! HA!
If you would like to experience it for yourself, please click on the video link! Notice the kid in front of me wouldn't get out of the way! And the screaming kids in the background...sheesh! It will be a while before we go to another show like that!

A bar-fly at such a young age...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

New Kitchen!

Well after much debate, we finally did a small upgrade on our kitchen. Our realtor thought that might help sell our house...It's a project we just never got around to. I mean we've only been here a year and a half! So, we did a minimal upgrade but with the most change. We put in new counter tops, floors, and backsplash. Plus the new stove. I do NOT miss my 1972 drop in range! HA!

Enjoy the pics!