Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Baron's Game with Dora!

We went to the Baron's game last night. We had a blast!

As soon as we sat down in our seats, Davis won us a free pizza!

Then we had a guest appearance and had a picture made with Dora! WOW! (She's bigger in person than I thought she would be!)

Then Daddy caught a fly ball! YAHOO!

It was a fun evening for all. Plus, you can't beat 25 cent hotdog night!

Togan's Restaurant

Last weekend, my mom came to town. Davis loves to play "cooker" and pretend he has his own restaurant. He is the only employee...he takes orders, cooks the food, waits on the tables, and also takes the money! What a man! Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, Davis and I made a menu with cut outs of food from the Sunday paper. We glued it all on and then he named his restaurant Togans. (I believe this is a take-off of his favorite restaurant Logans- and only because he can throw peanut shells on the floor. It has nothing to do with the food quality!)

So then my mom came to town and we started reminiscing about the old days, when we made things out of cardboard boxes. So, we got a little ambitious and went to the garage (which is full of boxes from our potential move). We made Davis a stove and a refrigerator. He LOVED it! He had more fun playing restaurant and of course we were stuck in the garage all day, eating pretend food. I think he played with his new kitchen for at least 4-6 hours that afteroon. We did break for lunch (where we ate real food at the restaurant table). Man, things were so exciting when we were young and had to make our own toys. I can give Fisher Price a run for their money any day!

Davis' Accident!

Well...I was telling a friend of mine at work that "It is only a matter of time before Davis has his first broken bone"... Well, that afternoon, I kid you not, I got a phone call from the school. It went something like this: "Mom: Don't panic, BUT, Davis ran into a brick wall. He hit his thumb and it is swollen and turning purple and he can't bend it and he says it hurts." So, GREAT! We have a broken thumb. So, I leave work and call the pediatrician who says to bring him in for xrays. We go to the doc, but while in the waiting room, he is totally using his thumb and not complaining of any pain... I'm thinking he's fine. So we go ahead with the xray. No broken bones. I guess we've made it another day without one! HA! That night, he ended up getting a HUGE knot in the middle of his head. Apparently the thumb didn't catch his fall, but his head did too! But no complaints. All was well.

So then, about a week later, I am getting him out of the tub and notice that he now has 2 black eyes. So I call the pediatrician...seems that with head injurys, kids can get "raccoon eyes" that show up 4-5 days later. Hmmm.... I guess Boys will be Boys. Oh Boy! :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

1st day of Pre-K!

I can't believe Davis is starting Pre-K! My baby is all grown up. He has moved to his new class with his new teacher Ms. Laura. By the end of the year, Davis will be able to do the following:


Add and Subtract

Know numbers 1-100

Know all 50 states in alphabetical order (I can't even do that!)

Know all of our past Presidents (again...we might have to hire a tutor! HA)
Should be a busy year! Looking forward to it!

More Swim lesson pics!

We finally finished up swim lessons! Check out the shots of Davis SHOOTING out of the water slide. Pretty cool!

Baron's Game

We went to a B'ham Barons game tonight! It was HOT! Good thing the games start at 7 pm when the sun has subsided a little! It was 25 cent hot dog night, so guess what? We ate HOT DOGS!

It's amazing to me that we go watch a Minor League Baseball game basically right in our back yard!

Chuck E. Cheese!

Heaven forbid...we finally gave in and took Davis to Chuck E. Cheese. Boy, it's not quite what I remembered. But the things that were the same: the bad pizza, the crappy broken games that steal your tokens, and the worthless prizes. I guess it's a good thing that kids don't really care about those things! I was disappointed that the whole time we were there...there was NO singing mouse! What is up with that??? Anyway, it really was fun to be a kid again and we had a blast! Maybe next pay raise- we'll go again! :)