Sunday, July 27, 2008

Swim Lessons!

Well, we finally signed Davis up for swim lessons. He is taking at the local YMCA. I'm sure you can tell by the pictures that Davis wont stop talking long enough to listen to his teacher (Mr. Alex) or even swim. Mr. Alex says he's a "natural sinker"...whatever that means! There are 2 other little swimmers in his class (aka: The Eels!) Their names are David and Ella. Davis loves going to the pool every day after school. He hates to leave when class is over. I guess he's a natural "eel", as long as he can keep his mouth shut long enough to hold his breath! I wonder where he gets that from...Hmmmmm

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Day at Big Pop's

Davis had so much fun at Big Pop's last weekend. We "chunked" the watermelon in the River to cool it off. Then the icecream boat came by and of course we had to get some!
It was a blast. I think Davis swam for 6 hours straight!

Davis makes his own stool!

My Aunt (Aunt Lil) sent Davis a wonderful surprise package. What was in it? An Orange (Davis' favorite color) Home Depot Kids Apron and a kit to make a Football Stool! How fun. Davis and Daddy immediately went to the workbench to begin the project. It was together in no-time and then he was ready to paint it. It didn't turn out to look much like a football, but the stool is still too cute! And he is so proud!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

4th of July

We and some friends headed to Incahoots to eat dinner and watch the fireworks from the upstairs balcony..yes, we do have special access! Little Miss Ella and Miss Hannah had fun waiving flags. Ella especially enjoyed dancing to the live music. (Wonder where she gets that from?)

It was a nice evening!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

My Big Fat Greek Vacation!

Well...we were off to Fort Morgan, AL for a vacation with Keith's family, so I began calling it "My Big Fat Greek Vacation"... a spin-off of the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". If you haven't seen it yet, please go rent it. It will explain a lot about my life! HA!

Anyway, we went for a week to the glorious AL Gulf coast. The weather was perfect and everyone got along (For the most part!). No really, the industrial daquari machine kept everyone on good terms! LOL

We even saw a Mommy Sea turtle lay eggs. Very cool! I even got some pictures. Davis had a blast and did not want to come home. He said he did not miss anyone...except his Papou. (Keith's dad).

The last day, the surf was CRAZY! Both Keith and Davis rode the waves. They had a blast!

We are already counting down the days until next year. Man, I miss the beach!