Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Christmas cookies

It's our normal tradition to make Halloween sugar cookies from scratch...but I was just too darn tired during October. Well, now that I've gotten some energy back, when Davis was out of school for Veteran's day, I decided we would make Christmas sugar cookies. Davis had a blast, but I was exhausted by the end of it all. But, I must say, there's nothing better than a homemade sugar cookies with homemade icing and dinosaur sprinkles!!!!

It's Beginning to Look alot like Christmas!....

Well, we just couldn't wait. Davis actually put up his tree a week and a half ago! I just couldn't hold him back any longer! Then last weekend, I begged Keith to be able to put up the big tree. (like mother, like son I guess) But since we are going to my parents' for Christmas this year, we are not getting a real tree, which means we can put up the fake tree anytime we like! I bought it after Christmas last year at a huge steal. Can i say I LOVE that it's pre-lit! What a great invention. It knocks the most frustrating part of decorating the tree right off! It's fabulous. So, we put up the tree and cranked up the Christmas music and drank hot chocolate. What a great way to spend a Saturday before hectic December arrives...
It still cracks me up how Davis wants to put every single ornament on the same limb of his tiny tree! Precious!
Oh- and the ornament is our 2008 family ornament. It's tradition that we get one each year. This year shows my pregnant belly and little Davis peaking around from behind. Too cute!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween 2008

Halloween 2008-

We made it further this year, than last. I guess it comes with age, but Davis made it all the way down our street and back this year, and then we ventured into the Preserve neighborhood behind our house hoping they were giving away gas cards! (it's a wealthy neighborhood...the neighbors behind our house have just put in a full size tennis court and full size basketball court in their back yard! WOW!)

Davis was the "Red, Jungle Fury, Power Ranger"...and I was Sarah Palin. I won my costume contest at work! YAHOO!

It was a fun-filled day and now we have more candy that we can ever eat! Although the baby seems to LOVE chocolate. (wonder where that comes from) he he he...

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

Davis' class went on a field trip to the Pumpkin Patch in Clanton. It was the first of the cold snaps and was quite chilly!

We had a fun day...we did the bouncy area, the petting zoo, rode a pony, rode the "Twactor Train", and then went off in search of the perfect pumpkin.

Oh- and the part Davis was the most excited about? Bringing his lunch. I guess because he eats at school, this was a novel idea to be able to pack his lunch. He carried that lunch sachel around for weeks. Even on the way home, it was in a death grip!

Interesting fact: one of the other parents on the trip knows the owners of the farm and they said that they have so many visitors each year, that they can only grow enough pumpkins for the opening day! After that, they have to truck in the pumpkins! So, if you were wondering how all of those perfect pumpkins are sitting so neatly and already cut from the vine, now you know!