Tuesday, October 21, 2008

New Baby!

Well, for those of you who don't know...we are expecting baby #2! Yes, we finally took the plunge. I am currently 9 weeks and counting. Feeling tired and yucky most of the time. Oh...and the hormones! Yes, the hormones. Oh how I forgot the rage of hormones! Laughing one minute, crying the next! Oh joy...
I digress...
Davis is so excited about his new baby. For the record, he wants a baby brother! He is going to teach it everything he knows, so he says! We'll see about that! But I think first on his list, is teaching him karate. That should be interesting!
But the story I had to share is this:
I went to pick Davis up from school last Friday and on the bulletin board, the teacher had the typical Fall motif with the big tree and each student had made handprints with paint in different colors to put on the tree for the leaves. Well inside each hand, the kids got to write something they were thankful for. In Davis' hand, he had written "New Baby". Isn't that the sweetest thing ever. I almost cried right there! He really is excited. I hope he can last another 31 weeks!

1 comment:

Chantelle said...

So happy for you all!!!! I can't wait!